Here’s why I’m No on Measure E (SoccerCity)

San Diego voters, I’m voting NO on Measure E. Here’s why:

  1. Full disclosure. I was initially VERY excited about SoccerCity. I was just about the first member of the public to join their email list. I was among the first to join when they sold memberships to their “Original Supporters” group.
  2. All of that soured when the details of their proposal were published. Two major things: a. Their entire endeavor is an attempt to privatize public land at a severe discount by locking out all competitors. b. Their soccer endeavor would be nearly completely financed by making San Diego State University, a public university, a tenant of their private venture built on privately leased public land.
  3. Nick Stone and his group of investors are really, really shady people. Having tracked every dollar of Measure E via public disclosures you can see their strategy has been very Trump-like: Buy the media and try to persuade the public with misinformation.
  4. They collected signatures by lying to the public that their signature were going to build a new stadium for Aztec football. That was not ever the case. Measure E never should have made it to the ballot in the first place.
  5. Even if they win SDSU has already stated they will not work with FS Investors.
  6. The only thing that is “soccer” about “SoccerCity” is the word “soccer.” It’s really about building 4800 condos, putting in a mall, and building multiple office buildings and jamming them into about 75 acres of usable land.
  7. In short, I think it’s a scam.






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