Author: Adam McLane

  • GOLF UPDATE: vs Ford II

    Today was a pretty good day for the Bulldogs. Despite terrible rounds by all of our varsity players [that is, except Nate who carries us on his back] we still managed to hold off a very weak Utica Ford II team 168-169. On the JV side things were a little easier as they sailed in…

  • Why not John Kerry

    Forget all the stuff about Vietnam. Both Kerry and Bush were in some regards idiots the best I can tell. Both were little rich kids with agendas. Neither man should be basing a political campaign on events from 35 years ago anyway. Let the American people note be confused. This election is about major issues.…

  • GOLF UPDATE vs. Grosse Point North

    As promised, the trip to Grosse Pointe sucked. Our students played well and it seems as though they have held out for the victory, but it still hangs in the balance. Believe it or not, 24 hours later we are not the official winner. There was a discrepancy with one of the groups on the…

  • Daniels True Identity

    Note: This is the first talk for the Light Force year. For those Sonlife addicts, this is our official launching point into season two: Equipping. Along those lines we will be concentrating very heavily on peer share skills training as part of our Wednesday evenings. While I am still teaching from Daniel/Revelation this fall, the…

  • my week

    Because of the holiday yesterday, this is a short week. I remember back a few years ago I loved short weeks. I lived for them. It meant less work for me and a great outlook on life for everyone else. Now, times are different. All a short week means now is that I have a…

  • peach festival ends

    Today is the last day of the Romeo Peach Festival. On some levels I am glad it’s over since it’s a bit of a hassle getting around town. But on another level, I will miss all the great times that the festival brings to town. Today is parade central. Last night we enjoyed the car…

  • another hurricane

    With all kinds of craziness going on in the world, it’s almost hard to sleep lately. Hurricane’s in Florida. Bomb threats at LAX. Bill Clinton in the hospital. Kerry-Heinz in the hospital. Lots going on. Put that together with the first big day of college football and the massive elephant ear I had about 10…

  • romeo peach festival

    This week is the beloved and hated Romeo Peach Festival. Being new to the community I have a hard time with folks who do not embrace this exciting time in our community. People from all over the area flock to Romeo to shop and drop off their hard earned American dollars. What more could you…

  • GOLF UPDATE: vs. Grosse Pointe South

    The golf t team was defeated in varsity play last night. With nearly impossible greens at Gowanie Golf Club, our players missed tons of 2 putts. Our number one player had 21 putts and 20 ball strikes. Our number two player lipped out 6 times. We lost 157-165. We are now 1-2 (1-1 in conference…

  • boundaries

    Those people who know me realize that I am not a person who enjoys many rules in life. The cliche` “rules are made to be broken” is a phrase that I like to use. But in ministry, I chose to keep boundaries in tact. There are many little rules [official and unofficial] that I am…