Adam McLane
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Blogging 101
Take Notes!
You can email them to yourself when you’re done.
Part One
Things you need to understand about blogging before you get started.
1. Blogging is like sex…
2. Blogging is like sex…
3. Blogging is like sex…
4. Blogging is like sex…
5. Blogging is like sex…
Part Two
Tools to use to get started.
Create an account at
It’s free, it has the best platform, it has all the utilities you’ll need, if the New York Times isn’t too good for WordPress than neither are you.
Create a simple plan
Don’t go crazy here. A simple plan is simple…
Keep it a secret
I don’t mean say thing you wouldn’t want said publicly. More like… don’t put pressure on yourself. You’re just getting started. Have some fun without pressure to perform!
Cultivate ideas in bunches…
I use Evernote to grab notes. It’s free and it syncs with all of my devices.
Part Three
How I get past the stuff that seems to drive other people nuts.
When is the right time to right?
Wha about editing?
Don’t be afraid of typographical errors. Just don’t.
How do I promote my blog?
How about guest posting?
Email these notes to yourself
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One response to “Blogging 101”
Thursday Tips | Snarky Faith
January 2, 2014
[…] UPDATE: If you missed it, click here for the webinar. […]
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