Category: Social Action

  • Wanted: Maladjusted Activists

    No application necessary. Work from home. Position available immediately.

  • No more country clubs

    Quick facts Cumulatively, the American church is likely the largest private land owner in the country. Most zip codes contain at least one house of worship. In my zip code alone there are more than 30. In many communities around our nation the church occupies some of the prettiest property in town. It’s square footage…

  • What have you done for me lately?

    A year ago the earth shook and the world changed. Billions were given. Tens of thousands have gone to help. Yet not much has changed. The poor suffered. The rich got richer. More people died needlessly. The UN has effectively lied, spending money studying and asking questions while accomplishing little. And America sleeps in their comfy beds tonight feeling like they did…

  • 10 Simple Ways to Change the World in 2011

    You don’t have to be the President of the United States, Bill Gates, or Bono to change the world. Here are 10 simple things you can do to help make the planet a better place to live in 2011 and beyond. Become a mentor or tutor to an at-risk youth. Every community has students who…

  • My favorite pictures of 2010

    I have thousands of pictures from 2010. Work events, family life, our garden, and two mission trips. But both of my favorite pictures of the year came from the same day in the same location. The Sons of God Orphanage in Carrefour, Haiti. The first picture is of Kristen. She’s with a little boy who…

  • DREAM Act & Youth Ministry

    Everywhere I’ve done youth ministry I’ve met undocumented students. (Chicago, Northern California, Suburban Detroit, and here in City Heights) But it wasn’t until I started doing youth ministry here in City Heights that I truly started to understand the difficulty they had in furthering their education and starting their own American Dream. Think of the…

  • Stupid Forms of Activism

    I don’t care what color your bra is. And I really don’t care who your favorite cartoon character was as a kid. Nor do I care about a twibbon. And yet these meme‘s make their way through social media sites over and over again as if they made a lick of difference. “You just have…

  • Fearing the right things

    Contrary to popular belief– I do have fears. Every day I ride my bike to work, I’m fearful of getting hit by a car. When I’m out bodyboarding, I’m fearful of getting killed by a shark. When my kids are late coming out of school, I’m fearful that something happened to them. I have the…

  • Google honors John Lennon

    One of the most fun jobs on the internet must be to be on the team that plays with Google’s logo. I love this little doodle. Maybe I’m in love with the style or maybe the music? All I know if this is just too cool. I want to be a dreamer, forever. ht to…

  • Correlating Poverty to Religion

    “A Gallup report issued on Tuesday underscored just how out of line we are. Gallup surveyed people in more than 100 countries in 2009 and found that religiosity was highly correlated to poverty. Richer countries in general are less religious.” Interesting stuff. Jesus told the rich man, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell…