My life Since 2003
T-Mobile Review (from a former AT&T customer)
Kristen and I had been AT&T customers since 1998. But rising costs, ever-crappier customer service, and sky-high international data plans lead us to leave AT&T in mid-June.
Is your church a safe place?
Is your church a safe place for anyone in the community to come? I know that’s a loaded question… “Adam, safe for whom?” In this case, I mean is your church a safe place to come regardless of immigration status? As a San Diego resident living in Mid-City you might imagine this is highly relevant…
Why We Travel
In this post, Adam McLane reflects on his recent family trip to Mexico City and highlights the bigger question, “Why do we travel?”
Hobby Lobby, The Music Man, We Got Trouble
Like everyone else I was shocked by the news that Hobby Lobby, a privately owned company whose owners successfully challenged the Affordable Care Act mandate that their health insurance cover birth control on grounds that they are a closely held owned company driven by Christian morality, got caught smuggling Iraqi antiquities into the United States.
Earlier this week I wrote about the journey we are on in our household to bring a dead place back to life. Want to know a crazy by-product of this process? A dramatic decrease in waste.
Bringing It Back to Life
We bought our house about 18 months ago. But the house wasn’t new to us since we’d lived across the street for 7 years prior to buying it. It’d been a rental for about 20 years prior to our buying it. And for 7 years we watched as people moved in, people moved out, sometimes…
Why does no one good want to be President of the United States?
So… how did we get here? The United States, self-billed as the greatest country in the world, is lead by Donald Trump, a man whose shown no interest in public service but instead largely used his time to-date for his own self-interest. I don’t blame Donald Trump for his presidency. I blame us.
13 Thoughts on 13 Reasons Why
Like [apparently] everyone else I watched the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why last week. I actually started watching it a couple weeks back but stopped after the first episode, it just wasn’t for me. But I watched the other 12 episodes in two days as I was traveling to New Jersey. It was an intense…