My life Since 2003
  • Christmas Eve Service

    Christmas Eve Service

  • Is Privacy Worth Worrying About?

    Is Privacy Worth Worrying About?

    This morning I had to add my debit card number into Facebook Messenger in order to receive some money someone sent me. And just for a minute I thought, “Do I really want to give my debit card number to Facebook? I mean they just had yet another data breach of nearly 267,000,000 American users…

  • Building Up California’s Urban Core

    Building Up California’s Urban Core

    A new report from the State of California’s Department of Finance came out this month showing that the population of California is in trouble. According to the report, “The reasons for the decline during this decade were, by order of magnitude, higher domestic out-migration, lower immigration to California, and fewer births.”

  • Aztecs Now 12-0

  • Success, Defined

    Success, Defined

    Success is the result of doing the right thing for a long time. Me

  • The Leadership Vacuum

    The Leadership Vacuum

    We are in the midst of the weirdest and most leaderless season of public life in modern U.S. history. And I’m left wondering: “Where are our leaders?”

  • Gone to the Dogs

    Gone to the Dogs

    Over the past couple of years we’ve slowly become dog sitters. Technically, Kristen has become a dog sitter and I’ve become the dog sitting administrator handling invoicing, accounting, and marketing. (Not that dissimilar a role I play at The Youth Cartel, now that I wrote it out like that.)

  • 10 Minutes of Beauty

    How would your life be different if you spent 10 minutes of every day slowing down enough to see the beauty around you? This is what I saw as I walked around, listening to the birds, hearing myself breathe, sipped my tea, and spent 10 minutes in silence yesterday.

  • Raising a Whole Kid

    Raising a Whole Kid

    I had this thought yesterday and I think it’s important for educators, youth workers, and others working with teenagers to consider.

  • Let’s agree on this

    Let’s agree on this

    Let’s agree on this: Human rights are not the kind of politics it’s impolite to talk about. Right now, tens of thousands of wanna-be Americans are stuck in an asylum system with the deck stacked against them. 0.1% are making it through.