Category: social media

  • The American Teenager: A Sexting Machine?

    The American Teenager: A Sexting Machine?

    (if the clip doesn’t show up in your browser, here’s the link) In her latest movie, “Men, Women and Children,” Jennifer Garner plays an overprotective mom who obsessively monitors her daughter’s every keystroke, reading all her texts and even deleting objectionable ones. Source I’m over it. The media invented the term sexting out of thin air. They…

  • 4 Emerging Apps for High School Students

    4 Emerging Apps for High School Students

    I’m often asked: “What’s the big social media thing with teenagers right now?” That’s a really hard question right now because of a fractured landscape. Unlike in 2010, when Facebook dominated, it’s hard to point to a single application and say it’s the big thing. The only thing I’d describe as dominant right now is texting.…

  • Guest post for

    Guest post for

    I’m excited to join the contributor team for the new blog. (A ministry with duel purposes. The help people struggling with pornography and they minister to individuals within the porn industry.) Here’s my first post, My Teenager is Making Porn, Uh… Now What?  As a parent you probably want to wring your kid’s neck,…

  • Geek Class Rising

    Geek Class Rising

    Sitting 5 feet from me is my 10-year old son, Paul. He’s playing Minecraft. He’s really into Minecraft. He’ll play Minecraft until he goes to school. Then he’ll play in the afternoon when he gets home from school.

  • When should I allow my children to get a social media account?

    When should I allow my children to get a social media account?

    In the past 6 months I’ve spoken to dozens of parent groups, seeking to build understanding between parent and child about social media. The highlight, for most parents, is an unlimited free-for-all Q&A. Without fail, a parent will ask me… “What is the right age to allow my child to get [insert social media app…

  • Pussyfoot


    You know what’s frustrating about blogging, right now? Pussyfooting.

  • Two Dads Walk Into a Panera…

    Two Dads Walk Into a Panera…

    Back in February, while traveling to Boston, I went to a Panera to grab dinner and catch-up on some email. I’m sitting there, finishing up my sandwich, with my laptop open and my ear buds in, when two dads sit down at nearby tables, each with one child sitting directly across from me. I switched…

  • Here’s to the Lurkers

    Here’s to the Lurkers

    Each day a couple thousand people come to my blog and read one of the nearly 5,000 posts in the archives. A thousand or so more read a new post via a blog reader. And anywhere from a hundred to a few thousand will read a post (or about a post) on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,…

  • Snapchat Settles with the FTC Regarding Privacy Concerns

    Snapchat Settles with the FTC Regarding Privacy Concerns

    In December and January I received hundreds of comments and emails telling me I was wrong, that I didn’t know what I was talking about, and that I was misrepresenting Snapchat in this post. Well, according to a consent decree released today between Snapchat and the Federal Trade Commission, I wasn’t wrong about Snapchat: They really…

  • The Power of Understanding

    The Power of Understanding

    Five months later, I’m still processing some lessons from the explosion of the Snapchat post. In a week, nearly 4 million people read something I wrote, it was exciting and terrifying at the same time. It was a confusing dream come true for a blogger. It was awesome. Who doesn’t want a few million people reading something they’ve…