Category: stocks

  • Gm cuts seem to be missing the point

    General Motors [GM] announced today that they will be cutting about 30,000 US jobs and trimming about $7 billion overall to try to get profitable. [See story] A couple of thoughts from an outsider. I am no expert… but I can pretend to be one on my own site! – This seems like a bandaid.…

  • mad money power

    I am a fan of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money. And apparently a lot of people are. After his 60 Minutes introduction to the world this weekend… there were millions of people watching him last night. Well, the story goes that Jim changed his mind on a stock, a stock I own. In his commentary he…

  • the bulls are running

    Today will make 4-5 days of solid returns in the tech industry on Wall Street. With the 4th Quarter rolling along solidly, gas and oil prices headed south, and the holidays fast approaching… I think we’re only beginning to see a big rally in tech stocks. Intel is now at $24.80, up $2 in a…

  • let’s get sirius

    So yesterday I posted that I got out of the oil business. I still think it was a good call. I stuck to my target and got out when Grey Wolf hit my sell point. So, again I am taking Jim Cramer’s advice and backed up the bus to get me some Sirius satelite radio.…