Tag: awesome
Kristen is Blogging Again
Yup, Kristen has got her blog going again. I know she plans on talking more about our families shift to an organic lifestyle, gardening, shell hunting, and fun stuff for our kids. Kristen was a pretty successful mom-blogger when that fad was hot. She got burnt out with all the free product people sent us…
Youth Ministry as Life Ministry
A few years ago I was talking to a senior pastor about youth ministry. In a moment of honesty he said something like this. “I don’t get it. Tell me why you want to work with high school students your whole life. You’re qualified to be a senior pastor. You have all the qualities people…
Real Live Dancing Dog!
What you know and how you motivate others
If you think I made this up, here’s the Wikipedia page about this philosophy. Now you know about it, it’s a known known to you. Here’s the original clip. Like they say on NBC, now you know. And G.I. Joe says it best, knowing is half the battle.
Nike’s Air Secret
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxAz9lKvclc This explains so much.
The $500 cat toy
I’m an Apple addict who hasn’t fully appreciated the iPad. Now I finally get it. It’s Apple’s play into the pet owners market.
This Too Shall Pass
Brilliant. Simply brilliant. HT to PJ
Pelican Strikes Back!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc11g8d6IvA& Take that, weatherman!
Humble: just like dad
Excuses and Fear
When you look past the excuses and manage to control your fear… you can do amazing things. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of those two things stopping me from what I want to do. 3-2-1…. What are you going to do?