Tag: belfast

  • Moments of Awe

    Awesome is one of my favorite words. While my day is full of moments of awesome there are only a few moments in life described by the word awe. Here’s a few… Hearing the words, “I’m pregnant” from your wife. (Trust me, as much “awe” is created the first time at 24 as at 34…

  • Greater things…

    I think the visuals of this version of the song, coupled with the history of Northern Ireland… really adds the significance and desperation needed for this song. Greater things are needed in the city. For those of us in ministry, the real question this song brings to the forefront is one of priorities. Will 2010…

  • My prayer for Romeo

    I thought it would be good to let everyone know my prayer for Romeo. I know this isn’t a new song or a new twist or even a new video for anyone in the Romeo family. But I’ve been listening to this song and watching this video a lot lately. Will you join me in…