Tag: decisions

  • Plurality in Discernment

    Over the past few months I’ve processed some significant life changing stuff. Before I said, “1-2-3 Jump” to joining The Youth Cartel, I forced myself into a discernment process. I knew the Spirit of God was telling me to move. But, in truth, what I was hearing was more clues than it was clear direction. I…

  • Stop swinging the pendulum

    The problem with autonomy in church leadership is group think. Allow me to unpack that a little. It’s early. Maybe you haven’t had your coffee? Autonomy – a self-governing community. Group think – the -practice of approaching problems or issues as matters that are best dealt with by consensus of a group rather than by…

  • My Transition to YouthWorks

    On January 1st, 2010 I will become an employee of YouthWorks. Before I talk about YouthWorks I do want to mention some things about Zondervan. A lot of negative things have been said and written (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.) about Zondervan through this process. I want to convey publicly what I told them privately. They…