Tag: despair

  • A Fall to Grace

    One day morning will dawn, your eyes will open, and you will awaken with the literal reality that the dream you had for yourself is over and it’s time to move on. I can think to specific days in 2000, 2003, 2008, and most recently in summer 2011 when I rolled out of bed with…

  • Dispatches from the land of Hope

    My dear friends of Despair, I know you are tired. Despair is an exhausting existence. As you know I was a resident there for many years. I know that each day is much the same. You spend countless hours looking for nourishment, feeding on things of no nutritional value, then falling asleep with the horrifying…

  • I choose hope

    Our culture loves despair. We ignore the facts and choose lamentation. Listen to an hour of the news and you’ll hear how dangerous our country is. (Crime is down significantly over the past 30 years) You’ll hear how horrible the economy is. (The image above shows the NASDAQ Index the past two years.) Public school…

  • Apocalypse Now – Life and Theology in Haiti

    24 hours into my second trip to Haiti and I started crafting this phrase: Theology and culture always co-mingle. You just hope that theology and culture never conspire against the goals of the church. In America: Theology and culture conspire to destroy the church through our belief in the American Dream and pursuit of happiness.…