Tag: discipleship

  • Mark Riddle on Discipleship & Leadership in the Church

    Those in church leadership are fascinated with leadership development. Veteran leader Mark Riddle shares this little nugget of gold which calls us back.

  • A rant on discipleship

    A few week’s back Joel Mayward asked if I’d participate in his blog series on discipleship. He asked some great questions and really got my mind churning, plus I was in one of those pre-lunch moods. Here’s a taste of what ended up being a holy rant on the topic. What is discipleship?  I’d like…

  • Fans are the enemy

    Leading from Desperation Leads Us Astray It’s counter-productive to lower the bar. I don’t know if it’s fear or flat-out desperation that leads us in church leadership to do this. But, in obvious and non-obvious ways, we think that more people will follow Jesus if we make it easier. “If you’re ready to take the…

  • High schoolers passing in the night

    I volunteer with the high school ministry at my church. Each Wednesday night I help to lead a small group of high school guys. And each Sunday morning I am one of the adults trying to engage our students in some sort of meaningful conversation. Journey is of the size where you can successfully go for ages…

  • A Biblical Imbalance

    The default topic in Christian leadership circles today is balance. We need to balance our work and family life. We need to balance ministry in our community with ministry at our church. We need to balance our budget. We need a balanced diet. Something is wrong in your life? You are out of balance. And…

  • Free their minds…

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaoSSVQz37A Free their minds… and their hearts will follow. (Sorry En Vogure, I changed it.) Is the primary task of my ministry to cram as much of what I know into their heads or is it to teach them how to think? Rhetorical, right? Wrong. My actions say the former while my brain says the…

  • Dear Church, You Can’t Buy Followers

    There are dozens of services online that let people buy followers. Prices start at about $15-$20 per thousand, with bulk orders costing less – 50,000 followers will typically run less than $500. Those followers, though, are often dummy accounts run by computers, some in a very obvious way, some in a more sophisticated fashion. —…

  • Keep it simple

    Discipleship – One of the most straight-forward concepts in Christianity. Instead of keeping it simple we turn it into a complicated mess. How hard is it? A person comes to you and wants to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Cool, tell them to find a Bible, read the book of John, and lets meet…

  • I play for keeps

    I keeps it real. And I play for keeps. It’s easy to be in ministry and lose sight of the big and obvious stuff. Such as, “Why the heck do I even do all of this anyway?” So much of the actual task in youth ministry feels like that of a cruise director. When you…

  • A faith that costs you nothing is worthless

    When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house…