Tag: employment

  • The Unemployable Problem

    Big news out of Washington D.C. recently. The unemployment rate fell to its lowest mark since February 2009, 8.5%. That’s good news if your a president in an election year. But others would be quick to point out that 8.5% unemployment is still too high. Yet, I have to wonder. What percentage of Americans are…

  • 5 Ways Your Church can be Good News to Unemployed Young Adults

    A Bureau of Labor Statistics report released Wednesday said 745,000 more job seekers between 16 and 24 years old were unemployed from April to July. That compares with an increase of 571,000 among the same age group last summer. In July, the share of young people who were employed was 48.8%, marking a record low…

  • Level of Difficulty

    I’ll admit it. I’m a recovering video game junky. Up until Madden 2005 I used to incessantly play anything football EA Sports produced. One of the fun things about the Madden games is that you can adjust the level of difficulty to match your skill level in the game. So, if you were new, you…

  • Labor Day Remembrance for Youth Workers

    Labor Day Remembrance for Youth Workers

    Labor Day became a holiday in response to the massacre of 13 employees to end the Pullman Strike at the hands of the Illinois National Guard. Why were they on strike? The owner of their company cut their wages on their 12 hour work day while holding rents on employee housing. When the owner refused…

  • 2 Lies of Church Employment

    Each week I encounter a new story of a church worker that angers me. These are stories from youth workers who have been wronged by the people they trusted with their lives… their church employer. Churches who fire them because they didn’t reach the right kids. Churches who fire a staff member because their spouse…