Tag: honesty
The Strategy Gap
Wanted: Christians willing to love neighbors. Pay: None. Experience required: None. Training: None. Location: Work from home. Starting date: Immediately.
Hit Me with God’s Hammer Today
A few weeks back I wrote about something I call, the Pastor Man Up Movement. (PMUM) There’s something about PMUM that annoys me and I’ve been trying to figure out exactly what it is. Is it that its mostly men and I have a strong desire to see women lead? Maybe a little. Is it…
They Can’t All be Winners
Golf has taught me a lot of life lessons. Probably most importantly is this one: Since you’ll never be perfect, success or failure is defined by how you respond in less-than-ideal circumstances. I’ve always been a recovery golfer. Even when I was playing my best golf– my playing partners always complimented me more on my…
Activity vs. Impact
Most people’s default measurement tool for their effectiveness is how busy they are. The thought process goes like this: If I have a full schedule of activity I feel invaluable to the organization If I am doing a lot of stuff I must be doing some good The result of all these meetings and all…
Are you fake around your pastor?
Check out this quote. Dear God, I was a pastor for 23 years. It killed me. I am not sure I was every called to it. As you know, the overwhelming numbness finally caved in all around me. Now, I am on the outside of the church looking in and I don’t like what I…