Tag: hope

  • You Never Let Go

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRfcARM8OwI Saturday afternoon most of the team pealed off to go to do VBS and I just felt like I needed to make one more little trip to the Sons of God orphanage. I wasn’t sure why. It was just in me and I needed to do it. So I did. As we made our…

  • Signs of hope in Haiti

    I think the open questions in everyones mind boil down to this. 1. Are we (outside visitors, aid workers, missionaries) making a difference in Haiti? 2. Are there any signs that there is a hope for the future of Haiti? To answer that, I thought I’d just share some observations from my week that I…

  • Why I Don’t Have Haiti Fatigue

    More than 3 months have passed since 200,000 people were killed and a million people were displaced in Port-au-Prince. For a news item that’s an eternity ago. It’s just how we’re hardwired. We hear a news item, we are shocked by it, we do a fundraiser, we move on. And we want to block it…

  • Amidst the Rubble I Found Hope

    It’s hard to believe that its been 6 weeks since we witnessed this outpouring of faith. In some ways it seems like I just got back yesterday and in other ways its as if it was several months ago. When people ask me about my time in Haiti I always try to proclaim this simple…

  • Youth Worker Book of Hope ON SALE NOW!

    At work today Mandy handed me an envelope from Zondervan. Holding it, I could feel a lump in it. As I opened it I joked to myself, “Geez, are they paying me in cash these days?” To my delight it was not a bundle of cash, it was my copy of The Youth Worker Book…

  • Two views of the local church

    There are two sides to every coin, aren’t there? I’ve had this post stuck in my head for several weeks– and I think the illustration says it all. Church leaders: Complacency sneaks in. We surround ourselves with people who go to church. We spend a lot of our time at the church. Our perspective becomes…