Tag: james morrison

  • Saturday Tunes

    Since Spring has finally arrived in most of the country, I don’t mind bragging a little. We’re going to have a fantastic weekend! With tempuraturs in the mid to upper 70s, our family is drawn to the beach like a mosquito to a bug zapper. Right now, Kristen is meeting some of my co-workers for…

  • Saturday Tunes

    I think cabin fever has settled into the McLane household. We are all stir crazy and we are all waiting for the weather to turn just a big so we can go do something. Anything will do. I think we’re headed to a farmer’s market or some sort of outdoor deal today. Fresh air will…

  • Saturday Tunes

    Lots going on. Of course next week I’ll be leaving for the first National Youth Workers Convention which packs in all sorts of stuff. On top of that we have two emergent issues at home. First, Stoney is on his way to the vet. We had heard fleas were an issue in San Diego, but…