Tag: mercy

  • Worth fighting for

    The last few days I’ve been following the story of Shaun King, an Atlanta church planter and friend of YS, who recently discovered his former boss & pastor has admittedly molested and raped some children.* After doing some further research Shaun learned that other church leaders were aware of the situation but remained silent. Not…

  • HAITI: Calling Out Jesus’ Name

    Wounded people, white with dust, filled the streets. Women clutched their babies, desperate to find help. Others stretched their arms skyward, calling out Jesus’ name. link Like the rest of the world, today I woke up to the news I feared as I went to bed. The earthquake in Haiti has left the nations capital,…

  • Put up or shut up

    Growing up we played a lot of basketball. A core component of playing basketball, especially the driveway versions, is learning to talk a good game. There are people who can’t play but can talk a good game. And then there are the best players who don’t really talk much but just flat our put up…

  • Mercy: Some practical theology here

    Last night at Light Force small groups we talked about the difference between mercy and grace. Grace = Getting something you don’t deserve. Mercy = Not getting something you deserve. I could see the students wrestling with this. Here are students completely covered in both. They have parents who bathe them in both on a…