Tag: plurality

  • The Fall of Individualism in our Biblical Understanding of Walking with Jesus

    One of the truly fascinating things about the Bible is that our interpretation of it morphs so much over time. When we say the Bible is living and active… it’s actually living and active. For example: 40 years ago most people would agree that Christians should avoid the casual consumption of alcohol. This vantage point was supported,…

  • Plurality in Discernment

    Over the past few months I’ve processed some significant life changing stuff. Before I said, “1-2-3 Jump” to joining The Youth Cartel, I forced myself into a discernment process. I knew the Spirit of God was telling me to move. But, in truth, what I was hearing was more clues than it was clear direction. I…

  • Viva la Cartel!

    After three amazing years of working at Youth Specialties, it’s with a crazy concoction of sadness and excitement, that I’m sharing today that I’m leaving Youth Specialties to start a new venture. It’s impossible to put into words the emotions I felt just now as I wrote, then again as I rewrote, and over the…