Tag: reality

  • 5 Hallmarks of New Leadership

    The balance of power has shifted. Whether you recognize it or not there is a big gap between perceived leadership and actual leadership. Old (perceived) leadership: These are the people with the titles, position, and authority of traditional leadership. These people are called “leaders” by vocation. In actuality, they have much power of big things…

  • How to Disembark from the S.S. Fantasia

    Delay is the deadliest form of denial. ~ C. Northcote Parkinson Have you ever talked to someone and wondered… is this person living on the same planet that I am? This is a bizarre cultural phenomenon all too common among church leaders. Their day-to-day life, ministry, and sadly ministry aspirations are not based on reality…

  • Missing the Moneyball

    The movie Moneyball brought to light something that has happens in a lot of areas of our culture: We make decisions all the time based on information that doesn’t really impact the result we are trying to get. Two examples from today’s newspaper:  Only 80,000 jobs added in October, but unemployment rate drops. The unemployment…

  • Deliver us from evil

    Lawsuit alleges sex abuse at Concord Church Former Danbury youth pastor accepts deal, to be sentenced November 2nd Youth Pastor suspected of preying on North Bay girl Former youth pastor arrest for theft Youth pastor sentenced for sexual assault If you hang out in Churchland you’ll almost never hear of evil in the church. We…

  • Competitive Advantage

    This clip from Tin Cup highlights the differences between an amateur and a tour professional.  Whether you are a casual golfer or a week-to-week preacher in a church. You and the guy on tour are fundamentally different in how you approach your craft. What you do is similar! But how you approach it and how…

  • Lord, change me first

    What motivates people to change? Here’s a list of things that I’m coming to terms with… Things that I see which don’t change people or organizations but should: (Generally speaking) Biblical truth Their current reality, state, or condition Current position, authority and/or aspirations of Scientific research or law Reading books about other organizations or people…

  • Let Grace be our language

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS9_L7PjacU Is grace enough for you? Maybe I’m a cynic but I don’t think grace is a hallmark of a lot of Christians. We’re too busy having unrealistic expectations for one another and then wallowing in the disappointment of failed relationships. I’m too busy judging you for judging me for grace! Let’s get past this…

  • Open to Change?

    My byline is: “Crazy enough to change the world.” Mutability. Change. Delta. The concept of change is the fulcrum of the Gospel message. Am I willing to look at myself in the mirror, accept who I am, (not) and commit to the hard work of change? The Gospel message is about change. Changed hearts. Changed…

  • Mexico + Fear = Stupid

    As I mentioned last week, I spent Friday in Mexico with Phil Cunningham of YWAM. We had a fun time meeting some people for coffee and talking about life, touring the YWAM Baja base, grabbing an amazing taco in Rosarito, and getting a glimpse of the vision they have for reaching Baja for Christ. I…

  • Ephesians 5:14 and You

    “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14 I first memorized Ephesians 5 with Kristen in 1995. We were dating and we had discovered that memorizing Scripture together was a way to channel our, um, energy for one another. It worked! This passage of Scripture has been…