Tag: romeo church
What Makes Romeo Different?
We’ve had a lot of visitors lately and I’ve gotten this question a couple of times… “I’ve been to a lot of churches, why does this one feel different?“ This was a reminder to me of just how different we do church at Romeo. I don’t mean musical style or programs that we offer… though…
Sunday’s Comin’
Anyone who was at the service last night will remember this video. (Totally digging the subwoofer on this one) I blushed when a couple of people assumed that I made the video… I wish! Here it is. By the way, if you are somehow on the bubble about the service tommorow… it’s going to be…
God of This City, update 1
Videos, blue keys, and more…
My basement is a fan of Blue Man Group right now. Hanging from the rafters are tons of chunks of metal with a fresh coat of blue enamel on them… drip drying. I spent about half of my week making a video for Sunday’s service. We called in some favors this week to get some…