Tag: vocation

  • Place your bet

    A few months ago I went to Las Vegas with my father-in-law for 24 hours. There are at least 4 things hilarious with that statement, right? He was running a marathon and needed someone to drive with him from San Diego to Las Vegas and back. I went since it’d be nice to catch-up along…

  • Pastor as Vocation

    Confession: I do as much or more pastoral ministry now than I did when I worked in a church. That is no knock on my friends in full-time vocational ministry. It is more an affirmation for the myriad of people I know who have stepped out (or been pushed out) of their ministry job. Leaving…

  • The Youth Ministry Gap

    After 18 months of working at Youth Specialties and interacting with youth workers around the United States (and everywhere else) it’s finally sunken in: There are two different things called “youth ministry” with a major gap in the middle. Professional vocational youth ministry: When I talk about youth ministry this is often my default. These…