Category: Uncategorized
the medium of storytelling
The concept of storytelling is all the rage in youth ministry these days. All of the really good youth speakers [read “expensive”] are great at drawing their students into the talk with a good story. In the emergent church movement storytelling has been chosen as the best mode of communication. Most point to a simple…
investing one person at a time
In the previous couple of weeks I shared a fair amount exhibiting just how small I am and how big my task is. I’m a pretty much overwhelmed by my job. Scratch that, I am consumed by my calling. It’s too big for me and there are lots of times when I am frozen in…
God is at His best when things look worst
I’ve had enough. The media has absolutely driven me to crazy with the hurricane coverage. As usual, they chose to pick on the political implications of things and miss the real story. The read story on the gulf coast. It’s not about race, it’s not about the federal government or the state government… it’s about…
we’re officially homeowners
Yesterday was the day. We met at the Century 21 office at 10:00 am on Friday and we were officially homeowners by 11:30 am. It was amazing how smooth this whole thing went. Even better, we get to start moving in just 8 days. Just like that we left 8 years of renting behind and…
Little Britain
I got a chance to watch this a little bit in Northern Ireland this summer. Since I was 80% asleep each time I tried to watch this… and I couldn’t find it anywhere in town… I just went ahead and bought it on Amazon tonight. Our Northern Ireland team will appreciate getting together and enjoying…
what’s the story in Mississippi?
This is just a glimpse of the work to be done all over the gulf coast. We were led to this backyard [husband and wife in their 80s] by a local man at the church who asked us if we could help them out. When we arrived there, the backyard was covered in pine tree…
home, safe and sound
We arrived back from Mississippi about 12:00 PM today. It was a long, long trip… one which I plan on sharing more on later. Let’s just say that the story that is going on down there is serious, but the REAL story is that millions of people are helping those in need within the different…
Mission to Hattisburg complete. We are tired and on our way back to Romeo.
The small distribution center we are making deliveries to. God is doing amazing things as the people come together to help one another.
We are here.