Category: Web/Tech

  • A photo a day…

    And the spoof is even better…

  • Ghost ride the whip spoof

    This is an official inside joke between me and Dave. It’s a secret code.

  • digging my new toy

    My big birthday gift was the iPod Nano. I’ve always wanted one… not sure why, but it’s a cool gadget. So I spent a little time (OK, a lot) today figuring out how to make this contraption work with my laptop… enjoying listening to it… and buying some accessories for the thing. I love it!…

  • Eavesdropping at Big Boy

    Today I am working a little at the Romeo Big Boy. I know, that may sound funny… but they offer free wireless and I’ve found recently that I can work better in a busy place than in the solitude of the church. Go figure! This hardly qualifies as eavesdropping, but I can’t think of a…

  • the blog merger

    It’s been about 2 months now since I stopped the madness and started keeping one single lone blog. When I thought about doing this I was really concerned that changing my audience… combining them really, would ruin my blog and my sense of blogging. It hasn’t. In fact, it has made it better. Along those…

  • The internet at church

    For about the last two week the church has been experiencing problems with our internet connection. So if it’s taken a bit longer than usual to hear back from us that’s why. We’ve ordered some parts and everything should be back to normal early next week.

  • Website fun!

    I woke up yesterday to an error report from a YMX user. She said, "Hey, I can’t login no matter what!" I blew this off as a report to a known bug… the dreaded "double login" where people have to login twice in a row to access the forums. Well, a couple hours later I…

  • do you recognize this ad?

    I saw this today on the Purpose Drive Youth Ministry Conference website. Then I got to thinking… is this my buddy Todd Porter? I mean, he was at PDYM in 2005? Maybe it’s him.

  • Man is fast

    I came home from work to find that the game I ordered just last Saturday has arrived already. I mean… it was a holiday weekend and i still got it in 3 days! That is absolutely amazing.

  • welcome to

    As of today, you can now access my blog by going to If you’ve already got this site linked at that’s cool… it will still work. I’ve just made it easier for me to find myself when I get lost.