Category: YMX

  • Youth Pastors Aren’t Planning for Retirement

    Sometimes I worry that a lot of young ministers aren’t investing in their future because they are too worried about paying off school debt and other things. Since investing is one of my hobbies, I keep track of some money-oriented websites. I came across this question today and thought it was worth posting: I opened…

  • Put this on the list…

    There are a few thing I never had intended to do in my life that I’m both learning about and entering into at the same time. Owning any sort of business. Stocks are easy to do because you can get some minor benefit of ownership and none of the work. Being a part of the…

  • YS’s big announcement

    Well, it was a big kicker to learn that Youth Specialties has been acquired by Zondervan. Really all this seems to mean is that Karla sold her stake and Zondervan took it’s spot. In the short term this obviously means little… but down the pipe it would make sense that there will be some changes.…

  • Off to the Bend

    The house is buzzing this morning as we get everything ready to head to South Bend for the funeral. The odd thing about funerals is that they have a way of bringing family together. I am looking forward to that aspect. In other news, Light Force still rocks. We had our monthly concert of prayer…

  • Good times for YMX

    I don’t know how to explain this, but the last several days have been very encouraging for YMX. We’ve gotten all of our LLC paperwork and Federal ID stuff taken care of. I’m going to the bank tommorow to finish up the account set-up. So that is all very cool. But we’ve also gotten a…

  • Things are looking up

    The past two weeks have been fantastic for YMX. Many new members, many great articles, and a lot of excitement as we lept past 50,000 posts in just 3 months. I actually think that one day soon we will look back at these times as "slow" for YMX. While I’ve not been "blog consumed" with…

  • some weird things

    I really consider myself a nobody on the landscape of youth ministry in America. Afterall, while I think Light Force is pretty cool… we’re not exactly bringing in Switchfoot or David Crowder just for fun. We’re just a small group of people who get together and focus on changing our little world… but we also…

  • A cool thing for YMX

    I’m pretty stoked about this. YMX launched to fill a void when Youth Specialties shut their forums down back in June. Some alternative boards popped up, but all of them were freebie forums and the quality wasn’t quite there in my opinion. So, long story short, Marko (YS’s President) was interacting with some YMXers on…

  • Very, very small

    So yesterday I went to this "big meeting" down in Livonia for youth workers. Why is it that I always feel so dwarfed by the egos of youth pastors? Even though rule #1 of the meeting was that we weren’t allowed to talk about "numbers" or size of churches, it was still very clear who…


    In a few minutes I’ll be taking off to go down to Livonia for the first Detroit Metro Youth Workers lunch. The big idea is the brain child of Jason Raitz. The idea is strikingly similar to YMX… people who do youth ministry are unique and their task is specialized enough where they don’t naturally…