Billboards & False Prophets

Photo by Geoff Sloan via Flickr (Creative Commons)

You’ve likely seen this billboard. People nationwide are talking about it– especially as the supposed day is quickly approaching. I had largely ignored the signs until this variation appeared… “The Bible Guarantees It.

What does the Bible guarantee about impending judgment?

But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” — Matthew 24:36

I’m going to take the words of Jesus over the words of an AM radio prophet any day.

What does the Bible guarantee for false prophets?

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” — Matthew 7:15

“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.Romans 16:17-18

The Law of Moses in Deuteronomy 13 commands that false prophets be “purged” from the community. (v. 5) Moses goes on to say that false prophets who lead people astray are to be stoned. (v. 10) Lastly, Moses explains that if a city has been deceived by a false prophet, it is the responsibility of the greater community to put the residents of the city to the sword and burn it. (v. 14-16) In other words– God takes false prophesy seriously.

Further down the timeline documents times when God’s people dealt with false prophets…

Micah 3 is one of those times. Here are some descriptions:

v. 4 – “Then they will cry to the LORD, but he will not answer them; he will hide his face from them at that time, because they have made their deeds evil.

v. 6b-7 – “The sun shall go down on the prophets, and the day shall be black over them; the seers shall be disgraced, and the diviners put to shame; they shall all cover their lips, for there is no answer from God.”

Jeremiah 23: 15 explains what God thought of false prophets who lead people astray: “Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets: “Behold, I will feed them with bitter food and give them poisoned water to drink, for from the prophets of Jerusalem ungodliness has gone out into all the land.”

Both the Old and New Testament are not amused by false prophets. And so when we see the billboards, we may laugh it off, and we may be embarrassed for the people behind the charade. (Truthfully, because a lot of us are a little bit embarrassed to admit that we believe in a pre-Tribulational rapture. Or we are shy to admit that we believe that we are pre-millennialists.)

But we have a greater responsibility than that, don’t we?

Harold Camping has done this before. He last predicted judgment day for September 6th, 1994. Obviously it didn’t happen. Chances are really good that we’re going to wake up next Sunday morning and Jesus will have not returned.

How do we know that? Jesus said that NO ONE knows the day, not even the Son. Only the Father.

The question the Christian community should be asking is, “Are there still ramifications about being an overtly false prophet for your own gain?


7 responses to “Billboards & False Prophets”

  1. Dave Luke Avatar

    I think the bottom line is… so what if it is this Saturday? So what if this guy is right?
    What difference does it make in our lives?

    In a way it reminds us to take a look at our lives and figure out how we can be more loving, more compassionate, more intentional.
    I know for me I think, “if this was my last week on earth, what would I do?” once I have figured that out I then say “Surely I should be doing this stuff now regardless of how much time is left”

    Talking about the end of the world seems to cause 2 reactions in those that believe it. The selfish become selfless and the the selfless become selfish.

    Is that a reflection of what the Bible says? Is that who Jesus is?

  2. adam mclane Avatar

    Another irony… The world is ending and they only give 90 minutes per night to talk about it. Whaaaatttt?

  3. Adam Avatar

    @ Adam, right, spend the money you spend on billboards in a nation absolutely slathered in the Gospel availability instead of sending that same money to a place that has never heard the Word.

    @ David, exactly…would it really change anything? Shouldn’t we be about the business anyway? Or are we out looking for more oil because we have foolishly wasted our time and forgotten what we are to be busy doing (Matthew 25)?

  4. Russ Avatar

    Just in case you were wondering!

  5. Paul Avatar

    I’m definitely guilty of laughing at this instead of recognizing that it’s obviously something that really pisses God off.
    Good reminder; thanks, Adam.

  6. Matt Avatar

    I agree from scripture that no one can or will know the time until its time. However, I do wonder when we (Christians) make statements like this one in your article…
    “Chances are really good that we’re going to wake up next Sunday morning and Jesus will have not returned.”

    In my mind that begs the same question you asked, How do you know? I believe that Christ will return when he wants to and its just as likely to happen right now as it is to happen on May 21st. I agree also that right or wrong it doesnt matter but bringing the return of Christ to the forefront of the conversation has probably caused many a Christian to pause and evaluate how they are living. I’m sure that if May 21st passes the PR folks over at family radio can easily chalk this up to a campaign to raise awareness that too many of us are living like Christ isnt potentially coming back at any moment. Just my thoughts. Feel free to agree or disagree as you like. Thanks for posting this though!

  7. Jeff Avatar

    My thoughts this morning…

    If this guy were to be right… IF he were right… What difference does it make? We should always be living our life the best we can, and being sorry when we make mistakes and asking God for forgiveness. Always. Whether it’s tomorrow or Saturday, 2012 on the Mayan Calendar, or if it’s 5 million years from now.

    We don’t change our lives. We continue on. We enjoy life, we should be thankful for it, and just carry on.

    We don’t go around publicizing it, trying to get more followers or people to listen to our radio show. We are always in the business of showing God’s love and hoping that they find that, recognize it, and then do their part to do the same.

    Well written Adam – very nice!

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