October 2014: Youth Pastors in the News

Here’s a list of headlines from the month of October for the Google News search term, “Youth Pastor.” I’ve deleted multiple links to the same instance.

Archives: July 2014, August 2014

Moral of the story: Don’t like the news? Make Good News in Your Neighborhood.






4 responses to “October 2014: Youth Pastors in the News”

  1. Laura Avatar

    This song is perfect for the Youth of today! Finally a fun God inspired song relevant for today’s youth! Amanda Renee’s first recorded song is being released on iTunes! It was produced by Atellagali and the name of the song is “Close To Your Love” Check it out today!

  2. […] A search engine analysis of the term “Youth Pastor” during the month of October turned up some disturbing results. This is not how you want your church to make the news. […]

  3. youthleadergina (@youthleadergina) Avatar

    I told my youth pastor network friends about this blog series today as we were discussing supervision policies, the emotional and spiritual health of youth pastors/volunteers, etc.. We had some good/difficult conversations around this topic.

    1. Adam McLane Avatar

      That’s actually super encouraging! First step is talking about it, right?

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