catch up

It’s been a week since I last blogged. Longer if you count actual notes instead of notes from things that I am writing and doing on a daily basis.

This week I am overwhelmed with things to do. There are times for everything, I know that Solomon wrote that… but right now it seems like a time for the world to stop spinning so that I can catch up. Have you ever had moments in your life when the world seems like it is slipping past you at a million miles and hour and all you can do is try to catch it… yet it is steadily slipping away from you? That’s how I feel this July.

On the one hand. Life is grand. Ministry is going very well. The last two events have gone better than expected while other church related activities have also been hitting on all cylinders. Life is good.

Or is it? Not to seem self absorbed, but the cost of all of this is that Kristen and I are seeing less and less of each other. The other day someone asked me when Kristen and I were going to have another baby. Another baby, I thought. Heck, I can’t even get some time to watch the two we have grow up! Not to mention, “when on earth would we even make another baby? Seriously, I’m always going somewhere or doing something or spending time with someone. I miss Kristen. We go out, we spend time together. But it’s not like it was in the old days. There is a photo that hangs in my office of Kristen and I as a new couple back in July 1995. We were so young and dumb. That picture was taken the day after I first kissed Kristen. We were on top of the world back then. We had nothing better to do and we spent the day driving around and then walking around Notre Dame’s campus. It was the perfect day. I was showing her something that I was so proud of… where I grew up. We would put down her camera and let the timer go off and then rush over and it would snap. That was by far the coolest picture of the day.

Sometimes I wish there were still days like that. Life is so much more complicated now. Of course, I could whine about money and bills, instead time is the quality I most miss. Kids [whom I love as much as anything in the world] take up all of Kristen’s energy and time. Work [which I love and couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do with my life] takes up all of my time and energy.

Perhaps the challenge for Kristen and I for the next section of our life could be called “overcoming busyness.” This reminds me of an article I once wrote called “the sin of busyness.” Hmmm.






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