love God, love others

The 2nd part of our mission statement for Light Force is love God and love others. A few weeks ago we kicked off our summer series by looking at “What’s in a name?”

This week: We look at the second part of our mission statement and see the phrase, “love God, love others.”

Really… in the long run we’ll be diving into the major questions of why love God, how to love God… all that stuff much later, but at this level, we need to really comprehend

What does “love God, love others” mean? Where does it come from?

Let’s start off by looking at the “big picture”

If I were to ask you “what was Jesus’ mission in life?

What would you say?

[Some good answers]

John 6:38-40 – do the will of the Father, be the Savior of the world

John 17: 4- Completing His Father’s work, bring His Father glory

Acts 1:8- Train up witnesses

In Jesus’ everyday life, what did knowing what his mission was do for him?

– He knew what he had to do

– He knew what the goal was for his life

– He did what had to be done to with the mission in mind.

So this was Jesus’ mission— and he is our example, right?

So, what mission does he give to us?

Well, we can get some clue as to what our mission is in the life and words of Jesus. We don’t have to wonder, he told us what our mission was!

I mean,

– don’t you want to know what to do?

– don’t you want to know what the goal God has for you?

– don’t you want to be driven by a mission that wakes you up in the middle of the night? A mission that pushes you to your very best?

Just look around for a second. Use a little imagination to think about the culture we all live in:

We’ve got insanity all around us, don’t we? Every day we can turn on the TV and learn about people our age that died doing something stupid. Back in German where I used to live, a few years ago a couple of American kids were bored… so they started to throw stuff off of the overpass at oncoming cars on the autobahn. I’m sure it started off simple, pebbles, sticks, candy, pennies… on and on it went. Well, one of them got the bright idea that they could throw a huge chunk of concrete off of the overpass and scare somebody. The guy never saw it coming. It his the roof of his BMW, smashed the windshield and killed him instantly. Pretty funny, eh?

Back here in Romeo… you probably all know people from school who are sleeping around, partying. Some people are having so much sex… they don’t even call it sex anymore. It’s just something to do. Every time you turn around, you find out that a person is trying drugs or went to a crazy party or cheated on their boyfriend… on and on. Have you ever wondered why people do stuff like this? I’m sure there are lots of reasons… none of them are their fault, I’m sure of that, right? But I’m positive that some of them do stuff like this simply because they aren’t thinking about anything. They are bored, lonely; feel like what they do doesn’t matter… in a nutshell, they feel worthless. They feel like their lives have no point. No purpose. No mission in life.

Look, if you are a believer in Jesus today… you may feel like that sometimes, but I’m here to tell you… you’re life does have a purpose, a meaning… and a mission. Let’s take a look at it.

Here is our mission: I call it GC2.

Matthew 22:37-40. Great Commandment. (Love God, love others)

– Love God with everything you’ve got!

– Love others like crazy!

Matthew 27: 19. Great Comission (Make disciples)

– Go and make disciples

o If you want to learn how to make disciples, it’s coming this fall. Hold on!

In our mission statement we see this GC2 all over the place.

“Light Force desires to love God and love others by intentionally modeling a life devoted to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.”

So, where we look at Light Force… and we see those words, we know that as a group we should be striving to create an environment where GC2 is everywhere. Our real challenge is “How do you do this?”

Here’s the cliffhanger…






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