puking stories

On the youth specialties board lately there has been a great thread about puking. There is just something about working with students that eventually involves puke. Whether it’s illness, dares or the infamous “one gallon challenge,” where two or more are with you… there is sure to be vomit.


In other vomit news. Kerry accepts the democratic presidential nomination tonight. I hope and pray the American people watch the convention so that they know how terribly liberal Kerry/Edwards really is. I personally don’t care if they elect him or not… but the people have a right to know that these guys make Clinton look moderate. Kerry’s wife is 10 times more liberal than Hillary.

In more puking news. I am sick and tired of hearing any of the candidates say they can identify with the common American. They are all millionaires… you don’t know what it’s like to be us since you have never been poor. So just stop it. Even more puking news. The federal government is giving each candidate $75 million to blow on the elections. For the 100 million people who actually vote, the government should just give us $1.50 to show up at the polls and spare the advertising. Think about it.






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