school is back!

Today is the first day of school for Romeo. I could not be more excited about the year to come for my students.

There is something majestic about sitting where I sit and watching students grow up, mature and leave. In a way it is sad, but in another way it is terribly exciting. As I think back on the last 12 months and reflect on just how much students have matured I am simply amazed. 12 months ago I had a fresh crop of freshmen who were scared of the first day of school. They literally had nightmares of what was to come. The first time I saw them on campus they were all like deer caught in the headlights. In one way they knew what they were supposed to be doing, but in the other way they were just lost. To see them begin this fall as sophomores is incredible. They know what to expect, they know the routine… And well they are just sophomoric. At the same time, another round of freshmen comes through. Optimistically petrified.

I have some students who will flourish at the high school. They instantly fit in because they are proficient at a sport, or excel in a certain discipline. But the majority will be fish out of water.

On the flip side, let the reminiscing of summer gone by begin. I will guarantee that my upperclassmen will bring up all the fun we had this summer by Sunday. The cycles of school life utterly amaze me.






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