The new look of LDS missionaries in Romeo

MissionaryonbikesOne of my lifelong passions is to reach out to LDS missionaries. You know, the guys on bikes with ties who talk to you about the book of Mormon. I don’t know why, but I’ve always both admired these students but also had a heart to share true and free grace with people who are tied up in a polytheistic and works based faith.

Anyway, this is the image I’ve always seen. Particularly in the film "My Best Two Years" you get very acquainted with the uniform and routines of missionaries. Kids with black pants, white shirts, ties, backpacks, and mountain bikes.

Well, this morning on my way to the library I saw 4 20 somethings pile out of a car in khaki’s and backpacks. At 10:00 am on a Monday morning, this struck me as odd. Upon further review, they are clearly wearing the LDS "elder badges." These 4 guys look more like preppy punk rock wanna-be’s than anything else.

It’s no secret that LDS is one of the many "new things" popping up around Romeo. I know that they’ve had some hard times finding a place to meet in town as everyone either says no, or the place they choose isn’t zoned correctly. It will be very interesting to see how the new LDS push in Romeo turns out. I pray that many will not fall into her trap.






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