You’re fired!

More proof that churches are the hardest places in America to work. Just heard from a friend that his job has been terminated "effective immediately." No chance to say goodbye, no chance to end things nicely, no chance to look for another gig, no chance to… it just sucks.

And people wonder why pastoral staff have so much baggage? Another walking wounded.






3 responses to “You’re fired!”

  1. Brian Avatar

    Why can’t the church just act like the Church?! Tragic!

  2. Paul Avatar

    That really sucks. I hate that. Any chance of severance?

  3. adam Avatar

    He’s been offered a dismal package. To be honest, the money seems far less important than not being able to leave professionally. It just all kinds of stinks.

    Brian, you are dead on. I would hope that all of us work and act in a way that would demand more respect and love than is being shown in this case.

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