Last night Kristen and I went over to Amanda Moore Elementary and registered Megan for kindergarten. It’s a very nice school and we were extremely pleased to meet her teacher. We are really hopeful that the teacher we met will actually be her teacher in the fall. She seemed like a great lady.
They also made a big push for us to sign up for kinder plus. This is Romeo’s all-day kindergarten. Essentially, you pay for 5 days of childcare after the school day. I just have this observation from the session I sat in on… tuition based all day kindergarten went over like a ton of bricks. When the principal asked if anyone would like to talk about it, only 2-3 of the 50 people in the room were interested. Oops!
Another observation from last nights session. I could not believe how rude and disrespectful some of the parents were to their teachers and the principal. No wonder they are always on their guard… I would be too with parents snarled lips like that. Weird.
We just hope to be able to bless Megan’s teachers in any way we can.
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