Pink Eye

I just got back from the doctors office. It was a good thing that we kept Megan home from school today because the doctor told us she thinks Megan has pink eye.

Conjunctivitis (commonly called "pinkeye" in the USA and "Madras Eye" in India) is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids), most commonly due to an allergic reaction or an infection (usually bacterial or viral).

So, looks like she’ll be home from school for 2-3 days until this clears up. So far she is taking it well.






3 responses to “Pink Eye”

  1. Dave Avatar

    i had that for a while… but they gave me eyedrops and now im ok. four times a day for 3 weeks

  2. CBQ Avatar

    I had pinkeye in both eyes twice this fall. it is no fun at all!!!

    The eye doctor will give you way better eye drops then the regular doctor!

    Make sure she washes her hands…a lot! it is very easily spread!

    Hope you are all feeling healthy soon!

  3. Sally B Avatar
    Sally B

    Hand washing the best idea…paper towels at every sink for several days even better. hope all is well soon and that no one else gets it

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