New look for

Remember rule #1 of customer service? A person with a good experience will tell one person, a person with a bad experience will tell 10 people. This was very true when I worked for a health insurance company as 10-15 negative customer experiences who made "HMO" synonymous for "least desirable" far outweighed the publics opinion despite several million satisfied customers.

On Saturday, I decided that I was ready for a change on the site. (Those reading on feed readers, you missed this change!) It’s not a major change as I just rearranged some of the furniture and put up a new header.

Yet one reader dislikes my new header so much that he sent me 3 alternatives using the same color palette but with stuff that he thinks better suits me.




So, let me know what you like. My penguin, or these three anti-penguin ones. I just thought the penguin was pretty slick looking. This sites been around long enough where I decided I needed a mascot… but apparently at least one reader hates the penguin enough to open up Photoshop and design a few penguin-free headers.

This got me thinking
What would happen if end users started submitting logo revisions on all of their favorite websites and products? What would they submit? Ford? Wal*Mart? Google?

Any takers?



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5 responses to “New look for”

  1. Dave Avatar

    ahem….. are you making a public example of this someone

  2. adam Avatar

    Not in the least. Not everyone likes the penguin and I’m ok with it. Just seeking opinions.

    I’m actually mostly interested by that last thought… what would happen if the using public started having the ability to play with a companies brand. Like with Jones soda and submitting pictures for the bottles.

    Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what the public would do with “really big companies” like amazon, ford, etc?

  3. Dave Avatar

    yeah…. funny you should say that.. i was looking at recognized logo’s and brands today and thinkin how much better they could be and more fitting to it’s attachment

  4. Todd Porter Avatar

    I thought that maybe you dumped Microsoft Windows for a Linux operating system when I saw the penguin. I guess not, eh?

    I like the penguin. It is you. But I also like the first one suggested as well.

  5. Dave Avatar

    i know adam cant stick OSX and VIsta has put him right off windows…. so what’s left but Linux…. yay the real nerdy operating system

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