ein kleines Stück von Deutschland

A little piece of Germany

One of the things I loved about living in Germany was the extensive bike trail system. You could theorhetically get from anywhere to anywhere cycling. Since I lived 7 miles from the city of Hanau where I went to school, the bike trails became my source of exercise as well as my commute.

Yesterday I took my first trip on the Macomb Orchard Trail that just got connected to our neighborhood. What was once an abandoned train corridor is now a nicely paved path that connects Romeo to neighboring communities to the east and south. It’s really quite cool!

As I slowly worked my way a couple of miles towing our kids in their bike trailer my mind was filled with memories of that time spent in Hanau. There were many adventures found on those bike paths. From the wicked slalom course for expert mountain bikers to the big loop that went up 2 miles and down 6 back to my little village to getting lost in the country and having to ask the man at a castle for directions back to town.

I kind of doubt that my kids will have similar opportunities when growing up. Living in Germany is unlikely… but you never know! What I do know is that having this great resource of a bike path will help them make memories of their own.

It also made me think… "Maybe we should have another German tradition that involves a path like this… a Volksmarch. It would be fun and interesting. Too bad there aren’t a lot of German’s here!






One response to “ein kleines Stück von Deutschland”

  1. Todd Porter Avatar

    Adam, you can ride out to my house! I rode 17.5 miles today, but I did not get on the Macomb/Orchard Trail. I only rode up to Stony Creek Park and around the park and back.

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