My only iPhone post this month

I promise to not talk too much about the iPhone. It’s got some pluses and minuses. And the simple fact is that while I would love one if it were free, I will never make enough money to justify getting one. (Unless it were for resale alone.) That said, I do know one person in my life who is desperate to get one. He will remain nameless. Wink wink.

Here’s a funny iPhone diary that came from the New York Times. Yes, the New York Times did something funny. Write that down.

Seth Godin has an excellent post on how Verizon screwed up the marketing of the iPhone release as well as what they should have done. I like the fact that Seth isn’t just smart enough to articulate why a marketing campaign sucks, he also takes the time to let Verizon know how they should have turned this into a positive.

Here’s the best argument I can make against lining up to buy a $600 cell phone:
– I already have a smartphone that I like. It’s too big, but so is the iPhone
– I already have an iPod nano that I like. It’s not like I want my big old phone strapped around my neck when I’m moving the lawn!
– I already have a laptop. It’s not like I could use the iPhone to do web administration or open up PhotoShop or upload via an FTP client to my web server.

With those 3 factors, there is no sensible reason to get a phone like that.
I do predict that it will be good for Apple and it will be good for the cell phone industry. But in 12 months, AT&T will still suck because they always have.
I also predict that the first generation iPhone will look like a massive brick in 12 months compared to the new, smaller, colored iPhone to come up Christmas 2008.

That said, when people do buy the iPhone and it breaks. I suggest sending it to PodDrop and not Apple. You’ll get faster service and it’ll be reasonable… and it’ll get done faster.

HT to Billy for the video



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