
I saw this on an old high school friends Facebook. Sorry Sharna, you aren’t really old… but you are an old friend.

It’s called "Blackle" and it’s a Google alternative that is essentially Google with a different style sheet. The theory is that by making the screen black/gray that the combined monitor energy savings will save 750 megawatts of power in the world each day. I don’t know if that theory is really true. But I do think it’s actually a very cool idea.

Slick marketing!
From a tech geek perspective what I like about Blackle is that it’s really just a super slick way for its developer, Heap Media, to get people to use their custom Google search… which they will make a tidy profit on the ad referrals. That’s right, they’ve rebranded something that is free for their own profit. Gotta love America. Oh wait, Heap is from Australia. With the Google custom search just around the corner expect to see a lot more sites like this one. No judgment one way or the other, just in awe!







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