Goodbye Typepad, Hello WordPress

wordpressI’ve struggled with this for the last few weeks. But I finally came to the conclusion that I could no longer be a WordPress evangelist without being a WordPress blogger.

So, as of this post I am now fully converted. Tonight I was able to transfer everything from to plain old

I know this is a nightmare for my readers. If you have me bookmarked I am sorry but you will have to re-bookmark me.  I really did try to make it work over on Typepad… but at the end of the day I just couldn’t justify it anymore.

I’m hoping that everything on the feed worked OK and that those of you who read my blog via your favorite blog reader won’t even notice. Let’s hope that is the case.

I’ve also added a whole new enchilada with the transfer to this new site. I was able to go back and pull my archives over from a blog I kept from May 2004 – November 2005.  I’m not sure how I feel about that but… there it is, all of me. My earlier versions of blogging from 2002-2004 seem to be a distant memory, so sorry to say those posts are gone. But now you have over 42 months of Adam to check out.

Missing Pictures – Yes, I’ll have to sort that out. I don’t know if I’ll have an album per se and I know that a lot of my posts are not photo-less. It’s a bummer.

Not thrilled with my theme – It’s a start. Expect me to play for a while.

There are loads of other things to sort out. But… a fresh start is always fun.





4 responses to “Goodbye Typepad, Hello WordPress”

  1. Todd Porter Avatar

    I got your post on my feed reader, so it worked for me!

    And I get to be the first to comment on your new, fancy, schmancy blog. wOOt!

  2. Tim Avatar

    Woah, nice! Congrats on the switch. I’ve been using WP since version 1.5 and have always loved it. The only downside is that upgrading to new versions can be a hassle if you run plugins that alter your theme in some way. Even so, there always seems to be a bug or two to work out after upgrades. You’ll love WP, though. Welcome aboard! 😉

  3. adam mclane Avatar
    adam mclane

    I’ve been a WP user on a bunch of other sites/blogs for quite a while. Maybe not v 1.5 but a long time. It’s a cool interface that I use a lot already… so the way I look at it… by eliminating TypePad I have one less interface to work with.

  4. Brian Eberly Avatar

    Very nice. I like.

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