Bloggers: Turn off post excerpt

blog tipWith the tremendous increase in feed reader users and mobile blog reading… I really have to insist on this. You must make sure your feed is sending out the full post and not an except. (Called summary in WordPress)

Why? The reality is that, as a blogger, you want your readers to actually read what you write and not just see that you have written. Right? Well, having the except feature turned on eliminates a large portion of your readership.

What’s changed? And why do I need to change? Let’s say your average reader is like me and subscribes to 50-100 feeds. And each day 125-200 things pop up on my reader to read. Let’s say I spend 15-30 minutes per day doing just that, reading blogs. While it is true that I am quickly scanning your posts so an excerpt may be all the more I’ll read anyway… but when I see it’s an excerpt I immediately skip over it. I just don’t have the time or interest to go to your blog.

Why do people have excerpt anyway? I think it has something to do with stats. Such as, you really want to see that pageview number go up.Just keep this in mind… every day you can take the number of RSS readers you have and add it to your unique visitors! Why? Because people who are subscribed to your RSS are highly likely to read your stuff or else they’d simply unsubscribe to your feed. Other than that, I can’t think of a single good reason to keep excerpts turned on. It certainly doesn’t effect my comment rate as I think some may think it does.

Let’s say I did want to read the rest of your post? (Which I won’t because excepts are annoying) I am forced to click on it and load another tab. And if I’m mobile (where I do about 25% of my blog reading) I couldn’t look at the rest of your post even if I did want to as most blogs won’t load on a mobile browser very well. And they definitely aren’t worth the time it would take to load the page and then go back to what I was doing. When I’m mobile, an excerpt is just a waste of my time.

So if you want to increase your blog’s potential to grow do yourself a major favor and turn off the feed excerpt right away. Otherwise I’m killing your feed because I’m sick of scrolling past it.

Did you do it yet? Really. I’m serious. Do it now so you don’t forget.





6 responses to “Bloggers: Turn off post excerpt”

  1. Grahame Avatar

    Hello Adam,

    Very good point.When I first started blogging a few months ago I was undecided about the best approach on ‘excerpts’. However, my own personal experience has sealed the issue for me. I find ‘excerpts’ very frustrating and I’m starting to delete subscriptions that do this. Some only give a headline and link! What’s the point of that! I’ve subscribed because I want to read, not to click. If a fellow youth worker has subscribed don’t we owe it to them to provide the full feed? I do. Of course, the next comment will probably disagree 🙂

  2. Todd Porter Avatar

    Adam, I have no idea if my blog does this or not. Does it and if it does how do I turn it off?

  3. adam mclane Avatar

    With WordPress, from the dashboard go to Options> reading> scroll down to syndication and make sure it’s not sending out “summary.”

  4. adam mclane Avatar

    I just unsubscribed from my first RSS. This person was only sending out about 10 words on his feed. Hasta luego.

  5. Todd Porter Avatar

    I have my feed through FeedBurner, does that make a difference?

  6. adam mclane Avatar

    uh… it has more to do with turning off that setting than where the feed comes from.

    If you changed the setting, you’re good to go.

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