What is Billy Ray Thinking?

hannah montanaLike a Nascar race we’ve all watched Hannah Montana and asked the same question: Will this girl be able to survive the weight of pressure she’ll face? Will her Christian upbringing be enough to keep her out of the tabloids? Will her famous daddy help her avoid doing something really, really stupid? Or will she turn out just like Christina and Brittany and all the other child pop stars gone weird. (Can you say, Michael Jackson?)

Sadly, the 15 car pile up is happening currently and we’re all there to watch. With cameras ready, daddy present, and handlers encouraging… 15 year old Miley Cyrus took off her top and posed for Vanity Fair. (The 13 year old boys version of Playboy.)
And every sick, perverted 40 year old man in the country will take notice. The white hot $300 tickets to her show will now start to “go Brittany” as grown men try to get close to her. Sure she wasn’t naked. She didn’t show anything. But it was a very seductive and sexual pose.

My honest reaction is simple. If a man in my church allowed his 15 year old daughter to be photographed like that… much less for a national magazine shoot… I’d call the police. Seriously. It’s sick. To quote Juno’s dad, “Next time I see that kid I’ll punch him right in the wiener.”

It’s not too late Cyrus family. Admit your mistake now and vow to guard your daughter’s body and heart into the future. Fix it now… the public will only want more. Commit to stopping this.


p.s. I was going to post the pictures here. But I decided I didn’t want the nasty men looking for kiddy porn on my site.





7 responses to “What is Billy Ray Thinking?”

  1. Adam Avatar

    I totally agree with you man! I have watched the young girls at our church wear the Hannah wigs, t-shirts, etc for a while now. They want to be just like their role model. The bad thing is that these tween girls will see this behavior and want to follow it too. It just makes me sick!!!

  2. Len Avatar

    We (Miley, Billy Ray & I) have a different view of what is “artsy”. Too close to provocative and suggestive for me to allow my 15 yr old to do regardless of what the chic photogropher wanted.

  3. Barb Avatar

    Sadly Adam, I told my girls I could see this coming. I really do hope that her parents wake up and put a stop to it while they still can. I was watching the ‘Today Show’ and they had ‘Donny Deutsch on the show commenting about the photo. It turned my stomach as he tried to say that it’s in the best interest for her career. She needs to do stuff so she’s not stereotyped as a tween actor. She needs to show that she can be considered an adult actor. She’s fifteen for crying out loud. What else will she have to do to advance her career?

  4. Kristen M. Avatar

    It is not just tweens who are fans. Megan’s classmates wore Hannah Montana t-shirts to kindergarten and two of her friends (now in 1st grade) preformed a Hannah Montana song in the school talent show last week.

  5. Matthew McNutt Avatar

    I wasn’t as surprised that she did it as I was shocked that her parents were there for it and allowed it. Their explanation that they didn’t know what the pictures would look like is a joke; I don’t respect Vanity Fair for doing this with a fifteen year old, but they are accurate when they say the images were on a screen and could be seen then. When we did our photo shoots for Biggest Loser I got to go see what my pictures would look like on the screen right away. Sounds to me like they’re trying to change her image but cover their butts as the same time. Very, very disappointing.

  6. Todd Porter Avatar

    Maybe I am odd but I didn’t find any of the pictures sexual in nature. And the one where she has no shirt, but a sheet covering her, was not “sexy” at all. I think she looked more like a crack addict than anything.

    Granted I think that taking that picture was in very poor taste and definitely not something I would let my daughter do. But I am not worried that just because Miley Cyrus did it that my daughter will now think it is okay for her to do, because I believe we have instilled better judgment in her than that. Plus, if anything it gives us another avenue to talk about what is and isn’t appropriate.

  7. adam mclane Avatar

    Have you seen the picture? Obviously there is no nudity, but it is pretty sexual.

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