The other day I was reading Steve Dublanica’s blog, Waiter Rant, in which he had a post entitled “Who are the worst tippers?“ Essentially, Steve was querying his reading audience… people who make most of their money from tips… who are the worst tippers.
And the comments were revealing.
There seem to be two kinds of bad tippers in the United States.
- People from countries where they don’t tip.
- The after church crowd.
But the worst? Sunday Church goers who sit for hours and hours and leave 3 bucks on a $40 bill.
What does that say about believers that we think so little of the people who serve us that we, as a people group, are known as cheap?
‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Matthew 25:45
Let’s review. Here’s a link to some tipping ettiquette. This is what is expected, to not do at least this is rude.
If you are going to go to lunch after church and hang out for an extended period of time, it is also customary to double tip on your table since the server is actually losing another table because you’ve stayed so long.
Let’s presume that we, as a people group, are doing this because we just don’t know any better. But now that you know that “we” are known as bad tippers, I’d hope “we” adjust our behavior accordingly. I’d hate to presume that we really are cheap jerks!
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