Apparently contentment is not a Christian virtue anymore.
If you hang out with Christians for any length of time, you’d think pickiness is a requirement of the faith.
- “I really wasn’t into the message on Sunday. I mean, 95% of it was cool… but he said something about fathers I didn’t agree with. So I tuned him out.”
- “We haven’t found the right church, we’ve been looking around, and nothing quite fits us.”
- “I’m definitely not called to singleness, but I just haven’t found the right guy.”
- “I used to be into the NIV, but I had to switch because I just don’t like the gender exclusive language.”
- “I would help with the kids ministry, but [sipping a latte from Starbucks] my Sunday mornings are just too busy already.”
- “I could never go to a church if the staff is a bunch of white males.”
- “My church serves little snacks-n-stuff after the service. Which is cool, but I can’t believe they serve cheap pastries and coffee that isn’t fair trade. I mean, that’s gross on a lot of levels.”
Need I go on?
We live in communities that are reached by fewer than 10% of the population and yet we worry about this crap? Seriously? It’s like your house being on fire and being more worried about saving your wedding photos than your children.
Shame on us. Shame on us for caring more about the desires of the 10% who come than the 90% who don’t. Shame on us for being so bored that we care about the things that don’t matter instead of simply obeying what Scripture teaches. Shame on us for making grey areas, black and white areas. Shame on us for blaming our inability to fulfill the Great Commission on issues.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” — Jesus
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