Admittedly, we’ve fizzled in both our zeal for gardening and our zeal for blogging about our garden in the last couple of months. Life got incredibly busy and we kind of went on cruise control in the backyard.
Truth be told there hasn’t been a lot to report. As early Fall rains came, the weeds grew fast and furious. Likewise, the bugs came and ate our bok choy and broccoli.
Today, I spent a couple hours weeding and planting two types of lettuce. One, a red, is called “Incredible.” Who wouldn’t want to eat incredible lettuce? The other, a green, is just your standard bread and butter meat-n-potatoes lettuce.
There are three surprises in the garden right now.
- Apparently jalapeño plants don’t die in San Diego. We have two very strong plants that have continued to grow and get stronger after their initial harvest. I was surprised to discover a plethora of little white flowers yesterday. The first batch was super hot… it’ll be interesting to see how batch two produces.
- The same is true with our eggplant. As I picked five good-sized, deep purple eggplants today I saw several more blossoms. I’m looking forward to more eggplant all winter long.
- The last surprise is that our cucumber plants have regenerated! I was just about to pull these baby plants out of the ground as weeds when I recognized the long tentacles and a distinctive yellow flower. I’ll give them a few weeks to see if they will mature.
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