Moses. Abraham. David. Joshua. Daniel. Jonah. Isaiah. Nehemiah. [Insert your Bible heroes name here____.]
There is one important reason that you know their names and not the names of the thousands of people God may have called at the same time. People with higher status in their day. From better families. People who were probably more recognizable as they walked the face of the planet.
God gave those men an opportunity to do something for Him.
And they jumped. They actually did it.
We don’t know if God had called others who didn’t listen first. But the point is that you know their names because they jumped.
They heard God’s voice in the desert or in a burning bush or through a prophet or in prayer or in the belly of a whale.
And they acted.
They could have heard God’s call and ignored it. And God, in His grace and benevolence, may have allowed them to live a very nice and safe life.
But they didn’t.
They heard God’s voice, turned around, and… jumped.
Here’s the thing that blows me away: That same rare voice heard in the desert or the belly of a whale or in a burning bush… He lives in us as we are indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
The question for us isn’t: “Where will we have to wander to hear the still, calm voice as He lives inside of us.” The question is… “When He calls us to do something, do we jump?”
I don’t know what God has called you to do today. But I have committed my life to the idea that when I hear the still, calm voice– sometimes loud, booming, audacious voice– that I will jump.
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