An example of Good News to a public school

A while ago I wrote a blog post called, 10 Ways Your Church can be Good News to Public Schools. Here’s one church doing just that.


Check out more like it at 20/20 Vision for schools.

Imagine what could happen if your church got together and said, “How could we be Good News to a public school?” Anything is possible.


2 responses to “An example of Good News to a public school”

  1. Johnny Carson Avatar
    Johnny Carson

    Wow…anything is possible….truly remarkable, miraculous things such as walls going from being not-painted to…..painted! I know there is much debate raging around us these days about whether the apostolic gift of painting walls continues or has ceased, but regardless, I urge all of you brothers to do what Christ called you to do when he laid down his life…Pick up your paint brushes! Forget that the word “News” actually has some type of verbal-communicative property inherent in it, and just paint a wall at a school, on a freeway, at a bus stop. The best part is that paint transcends theology and we could enlist the Mormons, J-Dubs, Atheists, Buddhists, whatever, and have every school painted by 2015. Dream bigger Adam!

    1. adam mclane Avatar

      I like sarcasm.

      Question: what would you have done better?

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