5 Storytelling Podcasts You’ll Love

Photo by Alyson Hurt via Flickr (Creative Commons)

I’m aย connoisseurย of storytelling. I can’t get enough of the genre. Whether its a personal narrative, or non-fictional piece, investigative storytelling, or fiction– I love it all.

As a communicator I study the method and mode of storytelling. I know that in order to be a better communicator I’ll need to become a better storyteller.

Here are 5 storytelling podcasts I love and recommend

  • This American Life – The granddaddy of them all. Each one-hour show is a series of segments (called acts) built around a central theme. This is a great entry point to the genre as it acts as an aggregator of others.
  • The Moth – The Moth is a storytelling non-profit which holds regular events in major cities around the country called, Story Slams. Participants tell a story live, without notes, before an audience. They take the best of the 15 minute stories and put them on their podcast.
  • Third Coast International Audio Festival – I’m a new fan of this one. Each segment is about an hour. It’s got an investigative reporting/documentary vibe to it. But they thread stories together in a way which fascinates me.
  • Storycorps – I can’t tell you how many times this project has brought me to tears. It’s all amatuer, typically a monologue or a family member interviewing another family member. Each segment is about 5 minutes.
  • 60 Minutes audio edition – I don’t particularly enjoy the TV version of this show. But the audio version (literally, the same show with just audio) is fantastic! The reporting here is second-to-none, and what I learn from this style of storytelling is an economy of words.
What are your favorite podcasts for learning storytelling? (Preaching doesn’t count!)


21 responses to “5 Storytelling Podcasts You’ll Love”

  1. Molly Avatar

    Thanks so much. I love the Moth and I am almost caught up and didn’t know of any other good podcasts to add. Now I have 4. Awesome.

    1. Duncan Avatar

      try radio lab, snap judgment, this american life or the vinyl cafe .

  2. Plumpy Avatar

    might I recomend RISK podcast. It is my favorite.

  3. Sarah Ashleen Avatar

    Risk and Radiolab!

    1. Ali Ahmed Avatar

      definetly radiolab

  4. marq Avatar

    Have you heard of What Some Would Call Lies? It’s a dude that just tells his own stories. Also “Really Super Show” is good.

    1. BradyDale Avatar

      Thanks! Snagging a few…

  5. Judy Avatar

    Strangers by Lea Thau is fabulous!!!

    1. BradyDale Avatar

      OK! I am!

  6. BradyDale Avatar

    These are great ones, but they are all from big gun media. Powerhouses of the form. If you want some more underground stuff, 5 storytellers in Philadelphia have started a new podcast with a new format for the form. Most storytelling shows are from live performances or they are interviews. Ours takes place at a roundtable. One of us takes the lead on a story for each show, but we all interact and interject throughout. It’s like you are listening in on a conversation with a point.
    Check it out! http://TheWorldExists.com/

  7. Mayor of Storyville Avatar
    Mayor of Storyville

    Bravo, some great podcasts here. My podcasts are meant to inspire children to use their creative gifts and bring families together through entertainment. Mayor of Storyville podcasts are now ranked #4 in the Kids & Family category on Podomatic (see link below) or just download them on itunes (put Mayor of Storyville in the itunes store search thingy and they’ll come up) and enjoy. Hear me as Christopher Walken as a Silver Crayon and enjoy The Loneliest Crayon, they are used by teachers to inspire students in school and are shot live before 300 students, and please put a comment down after you watch it on Podomatic, you can even LIKE it, and follow me.

    All my best, Kenny Haas #25
    Mayor of Storyvillehttp://mayorofstoryville.podomatic.com/entry/2012-12-28T21_11_33-08_00

  8. zodwallopp Avatar

    I also recommend Risk! it’s great.

  9. bigredbutterfingers Avatar

    I recomment Snap Judgement!

  10. West NC Avatar
    West NC

    Yes, Risk, Radiolab, and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History

  11. demo Gal Avatar
    demo Gal

    I suggest Story Sessions out of Chicago. It’s a new short form format for those times you just need a taste.

  12. jason Avatar

    I really like Story Sessions, too @demo Gal! Its so great.

  13. li88yinc Avatar

    Also KCRW’s Unfictional and Stagedive.

  14. sexiesadiesmythe Avatar

    This is a great list with some of the best storytelling ‘casts out there. Also check out the BedPost Confessions podcast on iTunes or stream it straight from their website and let me know what you think!

    *** adam’s note: friends, I’ll let you google the podcast if you’d like. But I’ve removed the link, not because it’s pornographic or anything, but because it might not be for everyone. ~ adam

  15. Eric Strong Avatar

    I like the podcast, The Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf. It features nationally renowned storytellers speaking about the science and other issues related to storytelling. The host, Brother Wolf, typically asks each guest to share a story at the beginnning of each of the interviews. I especially enjoy these opening stories and also learn about techniques and approaches to this powerful artform. As a storyteller myself for more than 25 years, I enjoy a good story perhaps even more that I enjoy telling stories to an engaged audience.

  16. Dan Avatar

    Have to second Snap Judgement and Strangers, and add the First Person Arts Podcast (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/first-person-arts-podcast/id662973884?mt=2)

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