Thank You, Steve Jobs

Here’s to the crazy ones.

The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.

More than just a technology or computer company. Steve Jobs taught a generation that by thinking differently, amazing things can happen.

Whose got next?






3 responses to “Thank You, Steve Jobs”

  1. Jeff Goins Avatar

    Love that you’re crazy enough to change the world, Adam. You’re doing just that.

  2. ganar dinero Avatar

    I truly feel sad from the loss of Steve Jobs. The world lost a great man, and he will be remembered in the same category as Newton and Ford. I truly don’t know where technology would be without him. Rest in Peace and may God be grateful for the work you have done on this earth.

  3. […] In a world of conformity, of going along to get along, Steve Jobs called our attention to the value of thinking different, of investing effort into the design of our dreams.  Here’s to the crazy ones like Steve Jobs. <h/t Adam> […]

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