Death by information

We have objectified the accumulation of facts and ideas. Likewise, we have marginalized the importance of applying learning to our everyday lives.

Like any objectification, this endless accumulation of information is deeply rooted in a perversion.

Dozens of times per week people suggest books I ought to read or movies I need to see or hour-long sermons I need to hear. And I think… when am I supposed to do all of this reading or watching? And what am I supposed to do with all of that?

And let’s say I read that book or watch that movie or listen to that sermon? Doesn’t James say that if I learn something and don’t do anything with it… I’m a fool?

Readers are lifelong learners.” I’ve heard that my entire life. If we are talking about educational material or books that you’ll actually apply to your life right now, I can give you a nod there. 100% agreed.

But reading for the sake of reading is just entertainment. It’s of the same value as watching TMZ or playing video games or something else you do to relax alone. It’s just that reading books carries a stigma of being “smart” while playing 6 hours of Madden 2012 carries a stigma of wasting time.

But acquiring information for the sake of acquiring information without any intent to do something with it? I just don’t think that’s healthy.

Want to know what’s really important? Doing something. Want to know what will really change you? Get involved in something local. Want to be an expert on something? Give up the learner posture for a posture of try-er. Want to honor your pastor? Don’t just take notes– do something. Want to make the most of all that money you spent on college? Give up the acquisition of information and lean into the application of what  you know.





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